Traffic Court
What do I do if I get a traffic ticket from DeKalb County Police?
Most traffic citations will be handled by the State Court Traffic Division which operates out of the ofld Recorders Court Building now called the Camp Circle Court Complex. The complex is located at 2620 Camp Circle, Decatur, Georgia 30032. If you received a citation that indicates that you should report to the cmap Circle location to handle your matter, please do so.
All ordinance violations will be handled in Magistrate Court which is also located at 3630 Camp Circle, Decatur, Georgia 30032.
How do I pay my Fine?
For most traffic offenses, you may pay online at . Online payments are accepted 24 hours a day.
You may make payment prior to your court date, either in person or online, in lieu of appearing, except for the following is a list of mandatory appearance offenses.
Mandatory Appearance Offenses
40-5-121 Driving on Suspended/Revoked/Cancelled License
40-5-20 Driving without a License
40-6-270 Duty of Driver (“Hit & Run”)
40-6-395 Fleeing and Eluding
40-6-181 Any speed OVER 85 mph anywhere; any speed OVER 75 on a two-lane road (Super Speeder code section is 40-6-189)
40-6-186 Racing
40-6-251 Driving in a circular or zigzag course (“Laying Drags)
40-6-390 Reckless Driving
40-6-397 Aggressive Driving
40-6-10 No insurance; no proof of insurance
40-6-15 Driving MV on suspended/canceled/revoked registration
40-6-14D(a) Driving over a RR Xng w/o sufficient clearance
40-6-271 Duty upon striking unattended vehicle
40-5-146(a) Operating a “commercial vehicle” as defined in a 40-5-142(7) without a CDL Licence.
40-5-146(b) Operating a “commercial vehicle” as defined in 40-5-142(7) with a suspend/revoked/cancelled CDL license.
40-5-147 Operating a “commercial vehicle” as defined in 40-5-142(7) in violation of a CDL instructional permit.
3-3-23(a)(2) Minor in Possession of Alcohol
********** And driver under age 32 – traffic citation
What if I have questions?
For general questions, call (404)294-2099 or email
If you are an attorney, you may call (404)294-2200